Big-o waterfront

Location: Yeosu City, Korea
Area 105,584m²

The Big-O show designed by ECA2 was the main performance on water and it intended to be one of the must-watch performances in Yeosu Expo 2012. The expo site for 80 exhibition halls stretched out alongside the ocean with promenade and exhibit spaces extending to the island of Odongodo and the seawalls.

PH6 Design Lab worked on the master plan for the waterfront area seeking to establish an identifiable and engaged new place within the Expo site. The approach sought to create a new riparian edge recovering its original coastline, a primary pedestrian network of walks weaving through the site and  landscape nodes maximizing accessibility while embracing a significant view to the ocean and the Big-O show. The Waterfront Area design includes an expansive public gathering space, festival plaza and fountain to draw people to the edge.  During the Expo, the waterfront served as an edutainment area with various outdoor exhibits and spatial art events and attracts visitors with large scale multi media shows in the night.