jinhae ocean resort

Location: Jedeok-dong & Sudo-dong, Jinhae-gu,  Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea
Area 2,258,000m²

Jinhae Wungdong Zone is the only leisure resort in the Busan-Jinhae Free Economy Zone. Therefore, various leisure and resort facilities are required for the workers in Free Economy Zone, nearby residents and tourists from Korea and abroad. The compound focused in tour, recreation and leisure in response to rapidly changing tourism environment in Korea and abroad. The compound has its objectives in building the foundation for the tourism of Gyeongsangnam-do Province and vitalizing the regional economy.  In addition, an international class maritime recreation compound with various themes will be made in the BJFEZ, which aims to become the business hub in northeast Asia.

The compound will enhance the image of Busan-Jinhae Free Economy Zone and perform the central function in linking the compound to Namhae Southern Coast Tourism Belt. The development will contribute in the vitalization of local economy and the balanced advance of regions by way of securing stable income and public facilities in the compound. The project site has excellent natural environment. Impacts on environment will be reduced by minimizing the damage by development work including theexisting forest that should be developed. The land use plan is simple and clear. The arrangement will get along with natural topography and surrounding environment, in addition to meeting the facilities arrangement requirement. Thefunction of each zone is planned so that there would be no overlap with each other. Each zone will perform its unique function while maintaining the organic connectivity with each other.

The land use has been planned rationally consideringthe functionality, safety, tourism, convenience and pleasantness. The land use plan has three zones; which are the golf facility zone, tourist facilities zone and education/medical facilities zone. The facility arrangement of each zone meet the facility use classification defined in the Tourism Promotion Law such as the sports & entertainment facilities, lodging facilities, recreation & culture facilities, commercial facilities and public convenience facilities.