museum of modern art

Architect: Hyeonjun Min + Siaplan
Location: Sogyeok-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Area: 27,400 m²

This award winning project offers a Museum of Modern Art that is co-existent with its nearby historical sites and urban backgrounds. as a  symbolic hub of modern art which can be a landmark place in the center of Seoul Metropolitan City.

The site where the art museum will stand has been used for a specific service such as military base, which broke off the surrounding alleys. Re-generating the road and Madang is a strategic tool to recover the urban disconnection. Madang, which is a transitional concept of open space in accessing a building, is connected to the architectural paths giving openness and acceptability to the surrounding environment and at the same time becoming a transit space where tradition and contemporary meets and landscape and architecture meets as well.

The exhibition is connected to the inner Madang by scattered layout of buildings, like a type of "archipelagos" in other words, and its shapeless form of building merges into Madang and its surrounding visually and physically. Visitors and tourists around will get in to the exhibition unknowingly while they strolls the alley.