Snu amphitheater

Location: Seoul National University,  Seoul, Korea
Area 5,000m² 
Collaboration with Kyusang Lee (Void Architects), Seungjong Yoo (Livescape), Yumi Lee (SNU)  

The project site is open field located at the edge of campus. With its fine scenery and ecological value, the place has been loved by campus members as a place of events and recreation. For the new construction of rainwater reservoir below grade. existing amphitheater needed to be demolished and rebuilt.

Design concept  begins with an integrative approach to merge the new theater facility into its surrounding nature. In locating the new amphitheater, the design team has thoroughly researched the site topography, newly constructed reservoir structure below grade, sun light direction and its surround landscape to create an connective geometry of the site. In a bold metaphoric gesture to the notion of ‘unfolding of knowledge’, the stands stretches out from the building in a wide arc signifying  the sophisticate and forward look of University. Stone bleachers and sloping planes accommodate audiences of up to 2,500 people, while encouraging student's activity and daily use as a casual gathering space.